Xiaomi has announced the launch of its flagship Xiaomi 12 Pro in India. The Chinese company has introduced the device globally and is finally bringing it to India. Xiaomi made the announcement on the same night as the OnePlus 10 Pro was launched in India. Similar to all the top-tier Android flagships, even the Xiaomi 12 Pro will be launched with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset. Also Read – Xiaomi to partner with Leica: Check other smartphone-camera partnerships
While the company is yet to formalize the precise launch date, Xiaomi has made an announcement via its official Twitter handle. The tweet said “Life is a show, let’s make it worth the wait. #Xiaomi12Pro 5G is coming soon to India! Because the show is incomplete without “The Showstopper”. Also Read – Electric scooters catching fire left, right and centre: Tips to keep EV battery safe
Xiaomi 12 Pro is expected to launch this month and it will be replacing the Xiaomi 11 series as the new flagship. Considering that the device is available globally, we know what to expect. Also Read – Xiaomi set to launch a new Redmi Note smartphone globally tomorrow
Xiaomi 12 Pro Specifications
The highlight of the Xiaomi 12 Pro is its camera. The device features a 50-megapixel wide-angle primary sensor with 1/1.28-inch large sensor. The setup uses a 7-element lens with ƒ/1.9 aperture with OIS. The phone also gets a 50-megapixel telephoto lens and a 50-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens. The primary sensor uses a Sony IMX707 sensor. The phone supports nightmode on all three lenses.
The phone uses a 6.73-inch WQHD+ 120Hz AMOLED. The LTPO2 panel allows adaptive refresh rate to as low as 1Hz. This is expected to serve a good batter life. The phone will also get 480Hz of touch sampling rate to provide a better gaming experience. To add to that, the phone also get dual speakers with sound by Harmon Kardon and it also supports Dolby Atmos.
The Xiaomi 12 Pro gets a 4,600 mAh battery. The battery can be charged in minutes using the 120W charger. According to Xiaomi, the 12 pro can be charged to 100 percent in 18 minutes under the Boost Mode. Under the standard mode it will charge to 100 percent in 24 minutes.
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