We can longer afford to neglect child care providers and our littlest learners Michelle Carr March 24, 2022

We can longer afford to neglect child care providers and our littlest learners

We can longer afford to neglect child care providers and our littlest learners


In January, the U.S. Census Bureau released national data showing that  nearly 40 percent of parents with children younger than age 5 had experienced disruption in child care in recent weeks. Disruption for parents means they can’t go to work or are figuring out late into the night where they might be able to cobble together child care.

Disruption for children is even worse. Their daily routines are sacrificed: It puts their wake-up, drop-off and pick-up times and where they will be napping, eating and playing in flux. This, in turn, can lead to behavioral challenges.

If this sounds chaotic, it is. A sense of uncertainty and stress has become a constant for too many young children and their parents.


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