Twitch launches a portal where users facing account suspensions can appeal rulings and monitor requests, and updates its reporting system with search and menus (Taylor Hatmaker/TechCrunch) Otesanya David March 22, 2022

Twitch launches a portal where users facing account suspensions can appeal rulings and monitor requests, and updates its reporting system with search and menus (Taylor Hatmaker/TechCrunch)

Twitch launches a portal where users facing account suspensions can appeal rulings and monitor requests, and updates its reporting system with search and menus (Taylor Hatmaker/TechCrunch)


Taylor Hatmaker / TechCrunch:

Twitch launches a portal where users facing account suspensions can appeal rulings and monitor requests, and updates its reporting system with search and menus  —  Twitch is updating its appeals and reporting processes, following through on product updates the company promised late last year.


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