Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 was launched at the end of last year. The chip has completed almost 4 months already and now the market has a host of flagships running on this new 4nm chip. A new report has now surfaced, hinting at a launch date for the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1+ chip. It is almost customary for Qualcomm to launch a plus variant of its flagship chip for devices launched in the second half of the year. Also Read – Nothing phone (1) smartphone announced, aims to compete with Apple
A report by Onsitego claims that Qualcomm is planning to launch the ‘+’ variant of the chipset in the month of May this year. This is not corroborated by any official information. Hence readers should take it with a grain of salt. Also Read – Qualcomm, Trimble are bringing more accurate location service to Android smartphone
What will be new with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1+?
Usually, Qualcomm’s + variants come with minor upgrades in performance. However, this time it might be a bigger jump. The Gen 1+ is expected to use TSMC’s 4nm mode. In the current chipset, Qualcomm is using Samsung’s 4nm node. Since the current generation has been in the limelight for its heating and throttling issues, this upgrade might finally solve it. Also Read – BMW partners with Qualcomm, Arriver to develop self-driving tech
Being more efficient is managing heat not only impacts performance but also provides a greater battery life.
When can we expect new smartphones with Snapdragon 8 Gen 1+?
If Snapdragon 8 Gen 1+ is launched in the month of May, expect device announcements to follow soon after that happens. Within a month of the launch, Android OEMs will either announce launch plans or launch the flagship devices running with the chip.
Xiaomi, OnePlus, Motorola and Lenovo are few of the manufacturers that might be the first in the list of getting the new flagship chipset. Xiaomi 12 Ultra is expected to be one of the first devices to get the flagship chip.
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