People raised in cities are worse at navigation: study Otesanya David April 3, 2022

People raised in cities are worse at navigation: study

People raised in cities are worse at navigation: study


Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

People who grew up in the country have a better sense of direction and navigational skills than those raised in cities, a study said Wednesday.

To find out how childhood environment influences navigation ability, scientists looked at how almost 400,000 people from 38 countries played a mobile video game designed for .

Players of the “Sea Hero Quest” game had to navigate a boat to find checkpoints on a map, according to the study published in the Nature journal.

“We found that growing up outside of cities appears to be good for the development of navigational abilities, and this seems to be influenced by the lack of complexity of many street networks in cities,” said lead researcher Hugo Spiers of University College London.

Co-lead author Antoine Coutrot of the University of Lyon said research had previously shown that when mice grew up in cages with paths of differing complexities, “certain in their brains, including spatial navigation, were also modified”.

However, humans were a little trickier to study because “we cannot lock them up in cages,” he told AFP.

So the researchers used “Sea Hero Quest”, which was created in 2016 to study Alzheimer’s disease and has since been played by nearly four million people.

Coutrot said people who grew up in scored better because “the countryside is a rather complex environment in that it is very unorganised, with greater distances, meaning you have to memorise your route.”

However, people raised in more complex cities such as Paris and Prague did much better than those from cities with orderly grid-based street plans like Chicago, he added.

And adults can still improve their sense of direction later in life if they work at it.

“It’s a bit like learning another language, which will be much easier if you learned it when you were young,” Coutrot said.

The researchers also developed a new version of the game called “City Hero Quest” to test how -dwellers fared in their natural environment.

People raised in cities did manage better in grid street plans than those who grew up in the country—but the difference was nowhere near as stark as the other way around.

Growing up in rural or suburban areas improves spatial navigation

More information:
Antoine Coutrot, Entropy of city street networks linked to future spatial navigation ability, Nature (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04486-7.

© 2022 AFP

People raised in cities are worse at navigation: study (2022, April 2)
retrieved 2 April 2022

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